Færsluflokkur: Fjölmiðlar
9.9.2014 | 13:53
Málpípa Moggans vill trúarlögreglu
Páll Vilhjálmsson, einn einarðasti stuðningsmaður afturhalds-þjóðernis-Moggaklíku stjórnarflokkanna vill krefja þingmenn um skýringar, ef þeir mæta ekki í messu hjá lútersk-evangelísku trúfélagi áður en Alþingi er sett. Um þessa þingmenn skrifar Páll:
Þeir þingmenn sem hafna siðvenjum alþingis Íslendinga hljóta að gera grein fyrir siðleysi sínu.
Það er löng hefð fyrir því að þingmenn (flestir), Forseti og biskup mæti til sérstakrar messu í Dómkirkjunni rétt á undan þingsetningu. Þessi hefð á rætur til að rekja þess tíma þegar ekki ríkti trúfrelsi og kristni var skilgreind af ríkisvaldinu sem hin lögboðna trú þegna þessa lands.
Síðan hefur margt breyst. Nú ríkir hér trú- og skoðanafrelsi. Mönnum er frjálst að hafa hvaða trúarlegu skoðanir sem þeir kjósa og haga lífi sínu í samræmi við það.
Það er ekki hægt að skylda neinn til að taka þátt í trúarlegum athöfnum.
Þess vegna vekur það óhug þegar Páll Vilhjálmsson atvinnubloggari leggur beint og óbeint til sérstaka trúarskoðanalögreglu.
Páll, ef þú vilt búa í svoleiðis ríki ættirðu að flytja til Íran.
Fjölmiðlar | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:16 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
16.10.2012 | 21:19
Til varnar bangsapabba
Bangsapabbi varð fyrir ósanngjarnri gagnrýni í fjölmiðlum í dag. Feministi segir að
það skírskoti til raunveruleikans hvernig Bangsapabbi njóti mikillar lýðhylli án þess að hafa nokkuð til þess unnið annað en að vera karlkyns og kominn yfir miðjan aldur.
Þetta er ekki rétt.
Þótt það komi ekki fram í leikverkinu þá gegndi Bangsapabbi fjölmörgum trúnaðarstöðum í Hálsakógi um árabil áður en sagan gerist sem sagt er frá í leikritinu. Hann var í mörg ár formaður sóknarnefndar, sat einnig í kjörstjórn í Hálsaskógarkjördæmi, var á yngri árum virkur í Hjálparsveit bjarna, sat í hreppsnefnd, í stjórn Skógræktarfélagsins, var formaður Samtaka berklasjúkra Bjarndýra SBSB, og svo mætti lengi telja.
Það er því rangt að álykta sem svo að Bangsapabbi hafi verið í leiðtogahlutverki í Hálsaskógi BARA af því hann var karlkyns og kominn yfir miðjan aldur.
Fjölmiðlar | Breytt 17.10.2012 kl. 13:02 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
9.12.2010 | 12:54
Julian Assange - hvað gerðist í Svíþjóð?
What really happened during Julian Assanges visit to Sweden earlier this year? Here is a timeline including excerpts of case testimony.
According to a group of young swedish computer programmers and Wikileaks supporters calling themselves Radsoft, Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet is said to have copys of the Assange case files. Aftonbladet is a tabloid meaning that one will always have to take what they write with a healthy dose of criticism. Most of it is purely gossip the testimony of the girls is not corroborated and Aftonbladets version isnt corroborated either. That being said though, one can actually construct a timeline based on the Aftonbladet supplement. And the guys at Radsoft have done just this,and this is what is said to have happened. (How they got this information I do not know, and neither do I want to. Some links and additional known information has been added by me.)
2010-08-11 (Wednesday) Julian Assange arrives in Stockholm. He is invited by Anna Ardin (Woman A) of the Brotherhood Movement, an adjunct of the Social Democrat Party. Ardin is to be out of town for a few days and lets Assange stay at her flat on Tjurbergsgatan on Södermalm in Stockholm. Assange uses much of his time to meet with journalists and organisations. He has dinner with friends and a US journalist who wants to talk about his new book on the Bush clan.
Sofia Wilén (woman B) contacts the socialdemocratparty Brotherhood Movement on or shortly after 11 August to get a ticket to the Assange event. Admission is prio press as Ardin posts on Twitter. Wilén is professedly a photographer and gets a ticket. She lives outside Stockholm (in Enköping) but claims to be a national government employee.
2010-08-13 (Friday) Ardin was to return to Stockholm first on Saturday 14 August but gets back early, already on Friday afternoon.
He was there when I came home, Ardin tells the police. We talked a bit and agreed he could continue to stay there.
Ardin and Assange go to a local eatery for dinner, then return to the flat and have sex. They use a condom but the condom is found to be broken afterwards.
2010-08-14 (Saturday). Wilén attends the event arranged by Ardin, sits in the front row with her camera and takes pictures of Assange, hangs about afterwards, introduces herself to Assange, gets an invite to a lunch with the entourage at a bistro a few blocks away, she and Assange see a short movie in a local cinema afterwards, then part.
Assange attends a crayfish party in Ardins courtyard where two members of Swedens Pirate Party (likely Falkvinge and Troberg) and are also present.
2010-08-15 (Sunday). Assange, Falkvinge, and Troberg meet in the old town for a photo shoot concerning Swedens Pirate Party offering server support to WikiLeaks.
Wilén calls Assange but his telephone is turned off. She starts telling her work colleagues about her meet with Assange. They told me he must feel like I dumped him, so the balls in my court if I want see him again, Wilén tells the police.
2010-08-16 (Monday). Wilén rings Assange again and this time he picks up. He tells her hes going to a meeting in the evening but should be able to connect with her about 20:30. Wilén wanders about in the city, eats some sushi, rings Assange back at 21:00 when he hasnt yet turned up. Assange picks up. He said he was in Hornsgatan and the meeting had just ended. He asked me to come and meet him, which I did.
Wilén and Assange walk to the old town, sit down at Munkbron, talk a while, then take the train to her home in Enköping. Wilén pays for Assanges ticket (SEK107/$10).
Wilén and Assange have sex that evening with a condom. They have sex again in the following morning but without a condom. After sex in the morning, Wilén goes out and buys, then cooks breakfast oatmeal and juice. They joke about her possibly being pregnant.
I was being sarcastic to defuse the situation.
Wilén and Assange ride together on her bike to the train station. Assange returns to Stockholm alone. Wilén asks Assange if hell ring her. He says he will. Assange is to meet Agneta Lindblom Hulthén of the Swedish journalists association at 12:00 noon but doesnt turn up until 16:00.
One of his colleagues whod been at the meeting the previous evening and whod seen Wilén arrive at Hornsgatan starts looking for him. He tries to reach Wilén as he suspected theyd spent the night together. He rings Assange but Assange doesnt answer.
2010-08-18 (Wednesday) Wilén calls Ardin and tells her shes had unprotected sex with Assange. She says shes upset he didnt use a condom and is afraid she might have contracted an STD or become pregnant. Ardin admits she too had had sex with Assange. Ardin rings an acquaintance of Assanges after the conversation with Wilén to convey the message to Assange that she wants him to move his things out of her flat.
2010-08-19 (Thursday) Ardin sends an SMS message to the same acquaintance of Assanges, saying he still hadnt moved his things out.
2010-08-20 (Friday) Assange moves his things out of Ardins flat. He claims its first on Friday he hears of her request. Wilén and Ardin arrive at the Klara police station at 14:00. Wilén wants to file charges of rape; Ardin tags along to be of help.
They talk to a female police officer who concludes theyre both victims of sex crimes and decides to interrogate them separately. Of Wilén the female police officer writes the following in the report.
She said shed been raped in her home on the morning of Tuesday 17 August by a man who had sex with her against her wishes.
The female police officer ends her report with the following.
Everyone I spoke to was in earnest agreement that this was a case of rape.
Ardin, who only came along to help Wilén, tells the policewoman she also had sex with Ardin. She tells the policewoman the condom broke during sex and now accuses Assange of deliberately breaking it. The police conduct their interrogation of Ardin the following day on the phone.
The police send out a posse to Stureplan to visit upscale nightclubs in search of Assange. He is not to be found. (Assange later tells friends about the broken condom but dismisses the idea it broke deliberately. He also insists he in no way raped the other woman either it was consensual unprotected sex.)
Niklas Svensson of Expressen gets wind of the story, (through Ardin and Wilén), races back to Stockholm from Harpsund, he or someone else in his office rings up prosecutor on duty Maria Kjellstrand who corroborates the details, the charges, and the identities involved.)
2010-08-21 (Saturday). Svenssons story hits Expressen online 05:00. A few hours later the other Swedish news sites have the story and soon its all over the globe.
The police are tipped off that Assange is staying at a hotel in Stockholm but hes already checked out by the time they arrive.
Chief prosecutor Eva Finné decides to take over the case and has the files sent to her summer cottage by messenger. She reviews the documents and immediately rescinds the arrest warrant. She adds the following to her decision. If the suspect turns up then tell him hes suspected of molestation X 2.
The infamous Al Jazeera interview
2010-08-22 (Sunday). Swedish procecutor Karin Rosander is interviewed by Al Jazeera and manages to make a mockery of herself and the whole swedish justice system to a stupefied reporter and studio crew.
Chifprocecutor Eva Finné is rumoured to be highly critical of the initial arrest warrant.
Wilén and Ardin contact lawyer and socialdemocrat politician Claes Borgström in the evening and he agrees to take the case. Borgström is among other things know as the lawyer who silently let his former client Thomas Quick aka Sätermannen get innocently convicted of 8 murders.
2010-08-23 (Monday). Assange retains Leif Silbersky as counsel and Silbersky immediately poses a rather obvious question. Why did the prosecutor corroborate all that confidential information to the media? The question is considered obvious because such behaviour is neither normal, acceptable, nor prudent particularly when the arrest is in absentia. Announcing such an arrest only gives the suspect a chance to flee. The swedish prosecutors office refuse to this day to answer this question.
Chief procecutor Eva Finné 2010-08-25 (Wednesday). A Google search for Assange rape yields 1.2 million hits.
Finné clarifies that she doesnt mean she doesnt believe the womens stories, only that there is nothing criminal in them.
Claes Borgström, based on the same evidence, insists there is something criminal and that it was outright rape in both cases, and demands the case be reviewed by a prosecutor at utvecklingsenheten. That is a department within the prosecutors office where you can appeal desicions made by the original procecutor.
The case will eventually land on the desk of procecutor Marianne Ny, special procecutor in charge of cases regarding rape and sexcrimes at the procecution appeal office in Gothenburg. Ny is the one that eventually puts out yet another arrest warrant for Julian Assange. Accusing him yet again for rape. More about Marianne Ny and her work to instate the dicriminating swedish laws on womans peace here (in swedish).
Borgström is given an advance copy of the Aftonbladet article and replies with the following.
I want to stress that there are significant details missing in this report, details I base my accusations of rape on, but I am prevented from revealing what these details are.
Claes Borgström, feminist equality fighter Aftonbladets reporters suggest to Borgström that its in his clients best interests to reveal the significant details. Borgström replies with the following.
It would hurt the investigation to make the information public at this stage. Its my opinion [Finné] was in error. I believe Assange will be charged with having commited sex crimes.
Aftonbladets reporters tell Borgström they wonder how this can be if Ardin insists shes not been raped? Borgström replies with the following statement:
My client [Ardin] is not a lawyer.
2010-08-30 (Monday). Assange meets with the police at 17:45. His solicitor Leif Silbersky is simultaneously involved in the helicopter robbery case and cant make it earlier.
Assange is told he is suspected of deliberately breaking a condom and denies this is so. He adds that hell be staying in Sweden to fight the accusations and has no intention of fleeing the country.
Assange also demands guarantees details of the case will not again be leaked to the media particularly Expressen.
2010-08-31 (Tuesday). Details of the interview the police guaranteed would not be leaked turn up in Expressen.
Daddy´s / Radsoft
Tekið HÉÐAN, sem er komment bið þennan pistil:
Dessa är konstigheterna i Assange-ärendet
22.4.2010 | 15:11
"Lítil" eða "stór" æfing? Viðvaranir þjóðhöfðingja
Það er alveg rétt hjá ÓRG að liðin vika hafi að sumu leyti verið "æfing" fyrir það sem gæti gerst, því flugmálayfirvöld virðast ekki hafa hugleitt þessi mál mikið hingað til.Það er hins alveg óþarfa dramatískt og hálf-kjánalegt að tala um þetta sem litla æfingu. Flugsamgöngur lömuðust nánast í allri Evrópu, hvernig ætti Kötlugos að geta haft mikið meiri áhrif en það?
Vissulega gæti Kötlugos haft meira langvarandi áhrif, en það þarf ekkert ða vera, Kötlugos hafa verið allt niður í 2 vikur, og þau Kötlugos sem fylgt hafa Eyjafjallaj-gosum hafa verið hlutfallslega lítil Kötlugos. Áhrifin gætu af þessum sökum orðið minni úti í Evrópu, þó hér yrðu þau hiklaust meiri en af yfirstandandi gosi.Askan úr næsta Kötlugosi, gæti hugsanlega ekki verið eins svakalega fíngerð, vindáttir gæti þá verið mun hagstæðari fyrir Evrópu, t.d. ríkjandi norðan - og norðaustan átt.
Samandregið er alls óvíst að næsta Kötlugos verði "miklu meira" m.t.t. áhrifa á önnur lönd en Ísland, og þess vegna var tal Forsetans í BBC gos-viðtalinu hinu fyrra glannalegt og til þess gert að vekja óþarfa ótta.
Svo í öðru lagi er þetta einhver skrýtin misskilningur að Íslendingar beri ábyrgð á að upplýsa önnur lönd um íslensk eldfjöll. Færir og vel menntaðir eldfjallafræðingar finnast úti um allan heim, í góðu sambandi við kollega sína íslenska. Allar upplýsingar um Kötlu má finna t.d. á internetinu og enginn hefur verið að leyna neinu.Við þurfum ekkert að vara önnur lönd við hugsanlegum mögulegum áhrifum Kötlugosa, frekar en að Grænlendingar þurfi að vara önnur lönd við hættu af hafís!
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